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Dementia (2002)
The Los Angeles Theatre Center
Written By Evelina Fernández
Directed by José Luis Valenzuela
Produced by the Latino Theater Company
Cast: Sal Lopez, Evelina Fernández, Richard Coca, Lucy Rodriguez, Geoffrey Rivas, Tonantzin Esparza and Danny De La Paz
Skeletons aren’t the only things that come out of the closet in this award-winning Latino swansong about the glamorous death of Moises (his friends call him Moe.) Mortality never seemed so fabulous as he invites his closest friends over for a “going away for good party.” Demented fantasies abound as his alter ego, a torch singing drag queen, tempts him into his famous final scene.
In 2002, Dementia garnered the prestigious GLAAD Award for Outstanding Theater Production in Los Angeles as well as four Ovation Award nominations.

Dementia Soundtrack
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